advanced biomechanics term development

advanced biomechanics term development

Advanced Biomechanics

APA Formatting

Graduate level writing

Must be a minimum of 4 pages and should not exceed 8

3 or more reference

Term Development


In a word document for your personal use:

Identify and develop a list of terms for use in this course.

or each term on your list include the definitions and the possible applications for each term.

Try and apply them to either running, sprint, jumping or climbing

Begin your list using the following terms –

  • Internal Biomechanics
  • Biological materials
  • Skeletal system
  • Muscular system
  • Nervous system.
  • External Biomechanics
  • Forces
  • Linear Kinematices
  • Linear Kinetics
  • Tourques & Movements of Force
  • Angular Kinematics
  • Angular Kinetics
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Work
  • Power
  • Energy

Within these terms there may be additional terms and concepts you will need to identify or define. Add those terms to your list.

For each term on your list include the definitions and the possible applications for each term. You can think of the application for the terms as they apply to your final project athlete if that assists you.


Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise, 3rd. Edition. Peter McGinnis, Human Kinetics, 2013.

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