analyze a poem 1

Next, decide which poem you want to do for your analysis (see p. 2). You may also choose 10-15 lines from a section of Paradise Lost you would like to analyze.

Once you have chosen which poem you want to analyze, do the following:

  • Paraphrase the poem line by line (Exception: if you have chosen Lovelace’s To Althea, From Prison, Marvell’s To His Coy Mistress, or Marvell’s The Mower’s Song, you may paraphrase every 3-4 lines or every stanza).
  • Using ART WARS, tell what the poem is about (A).
  • Using the remaining elements of ART WARS, choose 3 of the 6 to comment on:
    • Repeated themes/ideas
    • Tone
    • Words
    • Alliteration
    • Rhyme/Rhythm
    • Structure
  • Tell us why you chose this poem to analyze. How did it speak to you?
  • Create a question to ask the class about your poem. “You” questions can work very well.

Don’t just say “I see alliteration here” or “These words rhyme”, but be sure to explain what effect these elements have on the poem overall.

400- 500 words

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