answer the following questions upload answers separately with citations on the bottom

answer the following questions upload answers separately with citations on the bottom

question number 1

Capital Structure Policy Amit Singh

In the Concepts in Action video you watched this week( go look for a video with this title:Capital Structure Policy Amit Singh ) the speaker mentioned several challenges which led to his company’s capital structure policy being different from what’s discussed. Which of these challenges do you think is the strongest reason why their capital structure policy is different and why do you think so?

Your discussion board response should be approximately 200 words.

Question number 2

What is the most power message you learned about sustainable investing

Your discussion board response should be approximately 200 words.

question number 3

Marijuana is classified as a Schedule 1 drug under the Controlled Substances Act and is illegal under federal law. Many states have passed laws allowing for medical marijuana use and some states have passed laws allowing for recreational marijuana use. Based on the case study as well as your own research on the issue, do you believe that the federal government should change marijuana regulations? State whether you believe in keeping marijuana completely illegal, allow for medical marijuana use, or allow for recreational marijuana use. You must support your opinion with research.

question number 4

Type 2 Diabetes rates in the United States have significantly increased over the past several decades. One of the biggest risk factor is poor diet and lack of exercise. Write an essay on Diabetes and Obesity in the United States. Include the answers to the following questions in your essay:

1. Differentiate between the causes of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Focus on production of insulin and binding of insulin to receptors on body cells. Use the following you tube clip to help:

Watch Video Diabetes Epidemic – By 2020 50% Of America Will Have Diabetes Or Be Pre-Diabetic

User: n/a – Added: 4/9/11

YouTube URL:

2. Describe the diabetes data (statistics) trends located on the CDC website. Include age (adult and child), gender, location (state), and ethnicity.

3. Read the CDC Diabetes Report Card 2017 . Describe the obesity data (statistics) trends located in the link below. Include age (adult and child), gender, location (state), and ethnicity.

4. Read “Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults and Youth: United States, 2011-2014.” Using the data that you described in parts 2 and 3, describe the relationship between increased obesity and the increased chance of developing type 2 diabetes in both adults and children.

You may do additional research to answer any of the questions.


  • The assignment must fully answer all questions using data to support your ideas.
  • Cite your sources within the body of your paper.
  • The paper should be a minimum of two full pages long not counting your reference page.

question number 5

Read Case – “IBM Watson taking over the world” then answer the following questions: ( find it online)

  1. Explain why IBM Watson is a form of disruptive technology?
  2. Explain how Watson can be used in e-business to help a company compete?

Your submission should be a Word document of at least 400 words, with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, including APA formatted references and in-text citations.

question number 6

Compare disruptive and sustaining technologies, and explain how the Internet and WWW caused business disruption.

  • Your original post should be at least 200 words.
  • work cite

question number 7

How did e-business change the traditional buying model?

  • Your original post should be at least 200 words.
  • work cite

question number 8

Read Case – “Are you Ready for your Next Gig?” then answer the following questions: ( find them online)

  1. How has Web 2.0 helped develop the gig economy?
  2. Describe the e-business model associated with the gig economy?
  3. Describe the revenue model associated with the gig economy?

Your submission should be a Word document of at least 400 words, with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, including APA formatted references and in-text citations.

question number 9

“Describe the culture of an organization you are familiar with. Identify some physical artifacts—such as logo, mascot, building, advertising images—associated with the company and discuss the underlying values these suggest.

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