application of quot difference between means quot method

application of quot difference between means quot method

1. Apply the “Independent Samples” technique to data from work.

a. Give the mean for each sample.

b. Give the 95% confidence interval for the mean for each sample

c. State whether the intervals overlap with each other, (or not).

d. Based on the overlap (or not), give your conclusion: Significant?

2. Apply the “Non-Independent Samples” (paired measures) technique to data from work.

a. Give the mean for the difference.

b. Give the 95% confidence interval for the mean of the difference.

c. State whether the interval overlaps with zero, (or not).

d. Based on the overlap (or not), give your conclusion: Significant?

Hint: You may use the Excel Spreadsheet from lecture as a guide.

1 or 2 pages

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