article review about pressurization aircraft

article review about pressurization aircraft

Aircraft Systems and Components Article Review – Pressurization

Article Review Requirements

1) Read the article

2) Write a 400-500 word essay

   a. Review of article – opening paragraph

   b. Response – things you learned or peaked your interest, how this will help your career as an aviation professional

   c. Impression of article – conclusion

3) Use proper APA 6th Edition format No title page, no abstract

 ? Type your essay on a standard-sized paper (8.5 x 11) and make 1-inch margins on all sides.

? Papers should be double-spaced.

? Use a readable serif font 12p. APA manual recommends Times New Roman.

? Include a Running Head at the top of every page. It consists of a shortened version

of your title typed in capital letters flush left.< Don’t make a page header more

than 50 characters, including punctuation and spacing.

? Type page numbers flush right.

4) Proper APA 6th Edition Citation

Use proper citations in the body as necessary

Cite at end of paper, do not put on separate piece of paper (no reference page)

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