audio journalism story

1-Write a 2-minute story as announcer copy.You can consider this a story that will be read by a single announcer.There will be no sound effects, no cutaways, no audio beds, etc.Just copy. Please review the slides on power point attached down below, to make sure you have some thoughts about lead styles are writing ideas. Read it when you finish and make sure it is TWO MINUTES LONG ONCE READ.

2-You are to take a print article—an article you have found in your local newspaper or from an online source and adapt it for the ear. Like tech, sports, entertainment or politics.

3-The paper must be written in Courier New Font, 12 point,Caps. Correct grammar and vocabulary.

4-Be sure to aim for balance. Be sure to avoid editorializing, and avoid satirizing the material. Aim for professionalism.

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