This Written Response Assessment consists of four items that define the field of Organizational Behavior and analyze how organizational behavior functions at the individual, group, and organizational levels.
Submission Length: 4 items, with responses ranging from 1–3 pages each.
To prepare for the Written Response items:
Define the field of Organizational Behavior (OB) and explain why you think understanding behavior in the context of employment-related situations—such as performance, absenteeism, leadership, organizational change, or another OB topic—is important. Be sure to include the benefit of OB to organizations.
(minimum 1 page)
Compare and contrast how OB functions at the individual, group, and organizational levels and provide an example of each. Then explain the influence of historical (e.g., social, economic) or future context (e.g., social media, workforce trends) on these functions. Be specific. (minimum 2 pages)
Consider the role of I/O psychology at each identified level of analysis in which OB functions.
(minimum 3 pages)
Which particular levels of OB analysis do you find more or less appealing, as an emerging scholar-practitioner in the field of I/O psychology, and why? (minimum 1 page)