biology101 can you finish all the following attachment files

biology101 can you finish all the following attachment files

This class if for beginers so i don’t expect you to make alot of effort to answer in depth for these questions except for the hypothesis please be careful and pay attention to the questions as im going to make presentation about it.

So you have to answer these questions that attached in the file.

and answer these questions

Questions require maximum four sentences


Vaccines have become a divisive topic as of late with the rise of the anti-vaccination movement. Keeping it focused on CIVIL discourse, what is your stance on vaccination? Do you vaccinate yourself with the flu vaccine every year? Have you or will you vaccinate your children?

2- Microorganisms tend to get a bad rap because the most famous species that we hear about the most are those that cause infection. Prior to taking this course, did you know you were covered in microorganisms inside and out? Regardless, has your perspective on our bacterial brethren changed at all after learning what you have in this unit?

3-There are countless fad diets and cleanses out there that claim they are the remedy for everything from obesity to depression. Have you ever followed a strict diet or cleanse regimen? Why did you do so? What was the regimen based on and how does that align with what you’ve learned in this module?

4-There are countless fad diets and cleanses out there that claim they are the remedy for everything from obesity to depression. Have you ever followed a strict diet or cleanse regimen? Why did you do so? What was the regimen based on and how does that align with what you’ve learned in this module?

5-Think about your energy usage during the course of completing this module. Has your usage changed in anyway? If so, why and how? If not, why not?

6-What piece of information about energy was the most interesting or life changing in this module and why?

7-Which alternative energy are you most likely to adopt and why? (You might also explain this by choosing to explain why not to some of the others.)

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