calculating media metrics 2

MKTG 463


Application Exercise #7 – Calculating Media Metrics

Learning Objectives:

  1. To be able to calculate the critical media metrics needed to understand and evaluate media plan decisions
  2. To be able to assess the appropriateness of media choices based on these metrics


NOTE: This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment.

Assume you are the media planner for an advertising agency, and you are in the process of evaluating options for a client’s media plan. You have to evaluate the various vehicles based on key metrics and cost comparisons. Using the data provided, answer each question below to complete the required calculations and assess your options.


Save this document using the naming convention in the course instructions, and type your answers directly into this document in the space provided for each question.

NOTE: For calculation problems, be sure to SHOW ALL WORK!

  • A “zero” grade will be assigned for any answer that does not show the calculations by which that answer was derived, even if the answer shown is correct. Partial credit will be given, but only if the work shown is clear and readable.

Grading Criteria:

You will be graded on:

  1. The accuracy of your inputs, calculations, and resulting mathematical answers.
  2. The depth of thought and application of knowledge from the lecture and text in answering the questions asking you to assess and discuss your findings.
  3. The quality of your arguments in supporting your final decision.


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