choose any venture idea you would like to undertake

choose any venture idea you would like to undertake

Choose any venture idea you would like to undertake and provide the following:

1-Brief explanation of the idea and what are the consumers’ needs it will address (200-300 words) (1 mark).

2-Evaluate the financial potential of the idea with proper and realistic justifications (200-300 words) (1 mark)

3-Discuss how you realized the potential of this idea (100 words) (1 mark)

4-Analyze the size of the market of your idea (300-500 words) (1 mark)

5-Briefly discuss your competitions, existing substitutes to your ideas, threats of new entrants (300-500 words) (1 mark).

Assignment specific instructions:

1-Properly reference any used sources using APA-Style referencing.

2-The suggested word-counts is for guidance only. You will be marked based on quality of your work, not the quantity.

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