complete dq below 40

Use the following chapters located in the attachment to help complete the DQ below. (NO REPEATING OF INFORMATION) (NO PLAGIARISM) (FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS BELOW located in attachment) please cite and add references from the book. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

P.O.W.E.R. Learning, Ch. 3: Figure 3.3 “Concept Mapping” (1 page)

1.) (answer question between 80-100 words )

  • After considering the goals in “Identifying Your Long Term Career Goals” (p. 139) of P.O.W.E.R. Learning and Your Life, identify three primary career goals. Why are these important to you?

2..)(answer question between 80-100 words )

Write your thoughts on P.O.W.E.R. Learning, Ch. 3: Figure 3.3 “Concept Mapping” (1 page)

P.O.W.E.R. Learning, Ch. 6: Careers (28 pages)

3.)Answer question between (80-90 words)

How can using online social networks be an important tool for finding a job? List at least two social media sites and explain how they can be useful in a job search.

4.Write your thoughts on P.O.W.E.R. Learning, Ch. 6: Careers (28 pages) between 80-100 words

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