complete the wellness evaluate your lifestyle quiz

complete the wellness evaluate your lifestyle quiz

Go to the Celebrity Workout Plans page of the Fitness Magazine website, choose one of your favorite celebrities, and describe their workout routine. Then, click on the Healthy Eating link and choose one of the healthy breakfasts listed. How does this meal compare to what you learned this week in your readings?

Create a poster on an 8×11 sheet of paper using text or images in which you:

  • Describe the fitness routine for your chosen celebrity.
  • Discuss a healthy breakfast using your chosen meal and class readings.
  • Create 3 attainable goals to improve your own physical and dietary health habits.
  • Using the textbook or internet research:
  • Describe at least 2 health risks associated with poor physical health.
  • Describe at least 1 health risk associated with excess stress.
  • Define the mind-body connection.
  • List at least 2 ways to improve your mind-body connection.

You will be presenting your posters in class. Be sure you can discuss each section of your poster and provide examples when necessary.

Note: Students can create an electronic version of their Poster using Microsoft® Word, PowerPoint® or similar software. However, they must follow the same instructions detailed above.

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Website below, I would like to use Bob Harpers workout plan…

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