create a c assignment dictionaries and hashing

create a c assignment dictionaries and hashing

The instructions and starting templates for the assignment are attached to this module. Please download them and follow the instructions. Please only submit your .cpp and .h/.hpp source files and headers. You should not submit your compiled executables, project directory structure zip, or other files, only the source code files.

There are actually many source files/starting templates for this assignment: assg-13.cpp, Employee.hpp, Employee.cpp, KeyValuePair.hpp, KeyValuePair.cpp, HashDictionary.hpp, HashDictionary.cpp. You need to download and use all of these file for the assignment. assg-13.cpp contains the main function and has tests of your code. You should not need to add anything to this file, simply uncomment the tests as you are working on your assignment. You will not be making any changes to the Employee file/class nor the KeyValuePair files/class, and you do not need to upload those back up when you submit your assignment. You will only be adding code to HashDictionary files/class, and that is what you should submit for this assignment. You should add your name and information to the file header at the top of the files you submit.

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