csis 110 principles of information systems 4

csis 110 principles of information systems 4

My Class is ” CSIS 110 – Principles of Information Systems “.

I need tutor to handle this class from A to Z.

The assignments start from Dec 2, 2019 to Dec 20, 2019.

The tutor is going to handle Unit 14 to Unit 15 and the Final Exam.

Important Notes:

– There are specific Due Dates for each assignment, you must complete it at leas one day before the due date.

– High scores “A or B” are required in this class.

– The tasks are on Cengage Learning website, Sam website, and the Canvas.

– Number of attempts for Homework:: Only One Time.

– Number of attempts for Quizzes:: Only One Time.

– Number of attempts for Test:: Only One Time.

– Tasks must be completed in order.

– High scores are required in this class..

<< Syllabus >>

There are two Syllabus, I attached via PDF file. Also, I attached picture for the units required this question.

Please Please, Read everything cheerfully before contact me and see the Image of required tasks.

Thank you,

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