design and manage a research project to produce an argument based research supported paper that focuses on microbeads and must address a specific concern with attention to the specific problem i e how it affects specific people or specific land or sp 1

design and manage a research project to produce an argument based research supported paper that focuses on microbeads and must address a specific concern with attention to the specific problem i e how it affects specific people or specific land or sp 1

english 1 research paper


Research Paper Task:

Design and manage a research project to produce an argument-based

research-supported paper that focuses on Microbeads and must address a specific concern with attention to the specific problem (i.e., how it affects specific

people or specific land or specific animals) and the broader scope or context (i.e., why is the problem important, how does it happen, and what are the solutions?).


Seven to eight pages, not including Works Cited page, which is an additional page.

Required Sources:

The final version of your essay must include at least six sources:

use two sources from:

use four sources from:

Ensure that your paper has the following:


A strong thesis statement that presents the problem or the focus of your analysis and that

forecasts the direction of the analysis. (Thesis statements for this kind of paper can be up

to three sentences long.)


A well-developed argument that includes a framing of your analysis within the broader

context of the course themes, the use of textual evidence to support your argument, and,

as relevant, a discussion of possible solutions.


Discussion of a counter argument, which means that you acknowledge and discuss the

argument opposed to your own, then point out the weakness of this argument along with

the validity of your own argument.


Correct MLA formatting (which includes in-text references and Works Cited page).


A relevant and engaging title.


No more than one or two block quotations (which are used for quotes longer than 5

lines). In other words, use shorter quotes of only 1-3 lines.

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