discussion 3195

“A Day Without Electronic Media”

We live in a media saturated world, yet most of us don’t consider the effect

it has on our lives. According to Danna Walker, Professor of

Communications at American University, “Many of you are what

researchers call “millennials”, those born between 1980 and 2000. Your

generation will constitute the largest generation in American history. You

will outnumber baby boomers by as much as 33%. Most of you grew up

with computers and television in your home. You started life with VCR’s,

CD’s, digital video, and MP3s. You were the first generation to link up to

cell phones, instant messaging, and texting. Personal computers came of age

when you were born and you grew up with the World Wide Web and e-mail.

Not to mention Nintendo, Game Boy, Sony PlayStation, GameCube and

Xbox. Yet although you are emotionally attached, educated, and savvy

consumers of electronic media you don’t think much about it.”



For this assignment students will go without the use of electronic

media for 12 hours.


Your 12 hour span starts the moment you wake up and continues

straight for 12 hours. At the end of your 12 hour “shift” you can use

whatever media you like.


At the end of this time students will write a 3-page paper detailing

their experience and feelings regarding the experience.


Students must discuss how they spent their day


Students must discuss how the absence of electronic media effected

their communication with others. I want details.


Students must discuss feelings, reactions, and thoughts regarding their

day and the assignment.


No late papers will be accepted for any reason.

If you slip up or

cheat you must start the 12 hours over again.


I will know from reading your papers whether or not you really did

the assignment. There are certain tell tale signs of those who really did

it and those who fake it and try to write it like they think it should



If you fake it, I will give you an F.


All papers must be a minimum of three full pages


Use proper format, spelling, grammar, sentence structure and



Must be typed in Times New Roman 12 point font

So, what do you have to go without? Here’s the list:

No Cell phones

No T.V.

No Movies

No VCR, DVD, DVR, TiVo etc… (Although you can set them up the night

before to record what you’ll miss in your 12 hours and watch it after your

shift is over)

No CD’s, iTunes etc…

No radio, no satellite radio

No Ipod or MP3 or like devices

No video games, or hand held games or like devices

Computers of any kind, e-mail, instant messaging, texting, cell phone, or

like devices

You can read (but not from a Kindle etc…) a book, newspaper, or magazine.

You can play live music (piano, guitar, drums etc…)

You can go to a live concert, play, comedy show.

If you have any questions please e-mail me and ask!

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