discussion reply 121

LaTonya Busby

RE: Discussion – Week 4 Main Post


Analyzing Organizational Culture

The structure of an organization is driven by the culture. Understanding and knowing organizational culture can help leaders lead better, orient new staff, develop and implement change and communicate effectively (Femsler, 2014). Culture affects daily operations, the environment and personal views of each employee. The infrastructure which includes formal and informal power all determine cultural values. Cultural values include teamwork, honesty, responsibility, and a learning environment (Van-Eerven, Silva, Gomes, & Oliveira, 2017). These values affect patient outcomes and aid in the retention of employees if standards are set high. The framework for how people functions in their job depend on the strength of the leadership teams and how well they value their mission and goals of the organization. Lack of communication and support from leaders can lead to poor job performance, and poor working relationships (Sayma, Treharne, & Williams, 2016).

In my organization, we have a culture of promoting safety. This is done through in-services, and trainings that teach the importance of keeping patients safe. In a psychiatric facility, individuals are admitted who are suicidal and homicidal, therefore staff are encouraged to closely monitor these patients and look for verbal and nonverbal cues that could lead to an adverse event. Sometimes, we experience a breakdown in communication between shifts concerning these patients and this leads to negative outcomes. As a nurse manager, I support and encourage effective communication among all disciplines. Our ultimate goal is to keep patients safe and for them to have a positive experience in our facility. Evidence supports that organizations with higher levels of safety climate have fewer adverse events, higher reporting of errors and near misses, better communication among managers and staff, and higher patient safety (Jacqueline, 2011).


Fernsler, T. (2014). The Importance of Organizational Culture. Nonprofit World, 32(2), 22.

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Jacqueline, R. (2011). Patient Safety Outcomes: The Importance of Understanding the

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