easy short paper 500 750 words in length on the conflict between social media and higher education institutions

easy short paper 500 750 words in length on the conflict between social media and higher education institutions

Article selected will be attached to conversation.

‘The Conflict Between Social Media and Higher Education Institutions’

Amin, A., & Rajadurai, J. (2018). The Conflict between Social Media and Higher Education Institutions. Global Business and Management Research, 10(3). Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/2159616942/

Assignment: Journal Article Analysis

Assignment Instructions:

Write a short paper, 500-700 words in length, in which you:

  • Summarize the article BRIEFLY. (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Identify the research problem. Analyze the article, examining the strength of its thesis/hypothesis, method of investigation, analysis of data, and conclusions (4-5 paragraphs)
  • How does this research fit into the big picture? Connect your article with the lessons from the week or the course as a whole. (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Discuss your educated opinion on the research. Can you apply this research to “real life?” (1 paragraph)

Please consider the following:

  • Please use APA Format.
  • Important Tip: Choosing articles that you can potentially use as resources in future assignments would be helpful in getting “ahead”.
  • Originality of attachments will be verified by Turn It In. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.
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