econ research paper topic about the trade war between u s and china see how does it affect the gdp on the u s

econ research paper topic about the trade war between u s and china see how does it affect the gdp on the u s

This is a research project – in Macroeconomics.

  • Search for an article with a strong relationship with one of our topics in our studies. Use a quality source and legitimate effort. Review the article for appropriateness first.
  • Provide your topic and the link to the article you will be working on in the new discussion board titled “RESEARCH TOPIC“- you cannot duplicate another student’s work – so first to post, if approved, has the topic – I will confirm to you individually that your topic is good to go. The sooner you submit the more time you will have.
  • Develop a 4-5 page discussion paper, first summarize the article, then identify the topic you think is clearly related to our work, why, and finally, explain how this has helped you to understand this topic on a new level.
  • Plagiarism is forbidden – it must be your own work and I will likely send it through a scanning program to check. If it bounces – so does your grade.
  • You must list all references and citations in the work as well. While I can forgive grammar I will not permit stealing someone else’s work.
    • submit your topic in the discussion board by 11/15 (Friday)
    • submit your finished paper by 12/3
    • follow APA format
    • Late work losses grade points each day it is delayed, and will not be accepted after the due date
    • 100 points available for this assignment (See attached grading rubric)
    • This is a serious paper, and a serious opportunity to show what you have learned and how you can apply materials in class to real situations – show me what you got…
    • FALL 19 Grading Rubric Written Work.docx链接到外部网站。
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