econ138 writing assignment

Please see the pdf I attached!!!!

Purpose: In this assignment, you will use facts on health disparities between Native

Americans and Americans of other races to discuss why medical care may be received

differently between the two groups.


1. Read the Indian Health Service’s factsheet on health disparities between Native

Americans and all other American races

( The same article is also

attached to the end of this writing assignment. In one paragraph, briefly

summarize the paper’s findings and the proposed explanations for why these

disparities exist.

2. Scenario 1: Suppose a doctor who is not Native American sees two patients for an

annual wellness check-up. One of the patients is Native American and the other is

not. If she asks the Native American patient about his sugar consumption and

alcohol use, but does not ask the other patient about these behaviors, is this more

likely to be statistical or taste-based discrimination? Refer to the table at the end

of the article and use economic reasoning. You can describe this as “Scenario 1”

in your essay, e.g. “In Scenario 1, the doctor is…”.

3. Scenario 2: Suppose a doctor who is not Native American sees two patients of the

same age and gender with cancer of the same stage and type. One of the patients

is Native American and the other is not. If she proposes different treatments for

these patients, is this more likely to be statistical or taste-based discrimination?

Refer to the table at the end of the article and use economic reasoning. You can

describe this as “Scenario 2” in your essay, e.g. “In Scenario 2, the doctor is…”.

4. Suppose a white doctor gives the same medical advice to a white patient and to a

Native American patient. Why might the Native American patient be less likely to

follow the advice? Refer to a paper we read for class to support your argument

and be sure to cite it at the end of your paper (any format is fine, but include the

author(s), title, and year of publication).

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