emergency management discussion question 6

emergency management discussion question 6

Answer the 2 below questions..


1- Ticehurst S, Webster RA, Carr VJ, Lewin TJ. (1996). The psychosocial impact of an earthquake on the elderly. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 11, 943-951

2- Ehrenreich JH, McQuaide S. (2001). Coping with Disasters: A Guidebook for Psychosocial Intervention. Available at: http://www.mhwwb.org.

Track down these two papers, read them and write a 250 word (max) summary.


The Jenkins et al paper (See the attachment) discusses “The Disaster Cycle” and “Issues for a Successful Recovery.” Choose one of those topics and research the literature to support what these authors have to say. Write a 250 word summary of the article you found.

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