eng100 the works cited

Please watch this helpful video about assembling a Works Cited list (Purdue Online Writing Lab). If you have a difficult time accessing this link, you can find it on the Library Homepage under ResearchHelp (below Databases). Make sure to search under MLA Style.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq5Itf5Tg-U&list=PL4917D9E21FA6EDFF&index=4&t=86s (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Next, construct a Works Cited list, using the source material below. Refer, as well, to “Creating a List of Works Cited” in your text pp. 559-572. Pay close attention to the different ways to list books, articles, and electronic sources; articles accessed from a library database are considered electronic, even if they were originally published in books or magazines.

Punctuate titles correctly. To get full credit, this assignment must be typed and appear in the MLA ballpark.


Type of source: A book by a single author

Author: Gary Kleck

Book title: Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America

Publisher: Aldine Transaction

Location of publisher: Hawthorne, NY

Publication date: March 11, 2005

Pages: 56-58


Type of source: Web page or other document on a Web site

Organization: Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

Article title: Universal Background Checks & the Private Sale Loophole Policy Summary (Links to an external site.)

Date published: August 21, 2013

URL: http://smartgunlaws.org/universal-gun-background-c…


Type of source: Scholarly journal article from a database

Author: Lynne Lamberg and L. Lamberg

Article title: Preventing School Violence: No Easy Answers.

Publisher: JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association

Database: Ebscohost

Publication date and issue information: vol. 280, no. 5, Aug. 1998, pp. 404–407

Pages: 404-407

DOI: 10.1001/jama.280.5.404-JMN0805-2-1.


Type of source: An article from a database

Author: Kenneth Jost

Article title: Gun Violence

Publisher: CQ Press

Database: CQ Researcher Online

Publication date and issue information: Volume 12, Issue 20 (2007)

Pages: 457-480

URL: http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/cqresrre20…


Type of source: Newspaper article

Authors: Mike Debonis

Article title: Gun bill passes in the District

Name of newspaper: The Washington Post

Publication date: September 24, 2014

Page: B1

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