film interpretive essay

First, we have examined how a series of films represents the West or the Frontier as a specific imagined space of chaos and violence. It is also a space where heroes can accomplish supra-human deeds, where law and justice are often identified with force and power, and it is a space of immense potentiality.

Second, we discussed how the American western represented the struggle between good and evil. Some films represent this struggle as a singular conflict while other films represent is as an eternal struggle in which neither good nor evil vanquishes the other permanently, and others view the struggle as cosmic struggle.

And, third, we examined how the other can be represented through a dynamic of religious understanding or misunderstanding. As we have noted, this dynamic is central in representations of Native American peoples, as well as otherness in settlers and ranchers, pan and sluice miners and high-pressure hydrological minning.

150 words.

Film name: No Country for Old Men (2007)

No Country for Old Men is an American crime thriller produced in 2007 and is based on a novel by the same name written by Cormac McCarthy.

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