follow the instructions given for the following excel project cgs class 1

follow the instructions given for the following excel project cgs class 1

Documentation sheet: Name/date entered

1.0 pts

G4:P4: end-of-month dates entered

2.0 pts

E8:P8: SUM functions created using Quick Analysis tool

2.0 pts

E12:P12 SUM functions created using Quick Analysis tool

2.0 pts

E14:P14: monthly gross profit calculated

2.0 pts

E17:P26: SUM functions created using the Quick Analysis tool

2.0 pts

E29:P29: Net income calculated

2.0 pts

E30:P30: running total calculated

2.0 pts

Q6:Q29: SUM functions created using Quick Analysis tool; cells lacking financial figures deleted

3.0 pts

B6:B29: monthly averages calculated, rounded to nearest 10 dollars (2 points)

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