for this assignment you will create a brief presentation about a challenge your chosen leader faced during a change implementation and how that person overcame that challenge examine at least one change challenge your chosen invisible mentor leader f

for this assignment you will create a brief presentation about a challenge your chosen leader faced during a change implementation and how that person overcame that challenge examine at least one change challenge your chosen invisible mentor leader f

For this assignment, you will create a brief presentation about a challenge your chosen leader faced during a change implementation and how that person overcame that challenge.

Examine at least one change challenge your chosen “invisible mentor” leader faced at some point. How did they overcome that challenge? What are the key takeaways you gain from their experience? If they could say to you, “I made X mistake, and here’s how I overcame it,” what would X be, and how did they overcome it?

Continuing with your chosen leader, identify one change challenge he/she has faced during his/her career, as a leader for an organization. Determine the steps they took to overcome that challenge to be successful. For the assignment, submit the following in a 3-5 minute presentation, visual. Be sure to include:

  • Description of the challenge.
  • Explanation of the barriers and resistances they faced.
  • The process/model he/she took to overcome the challenge.
  • The final outcome of the change.

look at previous attatchements.

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