global-governance have highly experienced nursing writers possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise in various aspects of nursing, including clinical practices, theoretical frameworks, and research methodologies. Their comprehensive understanding of nursing concepts enables them to provide profound insights and relevant literature to support the arguments in research papers. Moreover, their years of experience in academic writing ensure that the papers are well-structured, organized, and adhere to academic standards.

Students write a 7-9 page policy memo to the new secretary general of the United Nations. The goal of the memo is to make policy recommendations on how states, IOs, and/or other actors can do better to address a regional or global governance problem . The memo will have four parts: 1) a brief summary of the issue you are addressing and the argument you are making; 2) a description of the problem; 3) a description and evaluation of some existing attempts by major actors to address the problem; and 4) three policy recommendations. Papers should be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, 12-point font, page numbers, and no extra spaces between paragraphs. Unlike a “real” policy memo, this one should have endnotes and references. Below is the Topic I picked and will like help with.

Please the topic to focus on is; UN Security Council role in restoring peace in the Middle East(Israel and Palestine).

The Middle East is a region that has been through several conflicts over the years, especially Israel and Palestine. Although there have been several peace resolutions which never seems to last or resolve the tensions between both countries. I will focus on the UNSC efforts in addressing the problems of these two nations in the Middle East. However, on April 20, 2016, the UNSC met in New York to discus, ways on how to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. At this meeting, some members of the UNSC called for the passage of a resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. During an open debate on the Middle East at the meeting, New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully, was perplexed why the UN has not passed a single resolution about these issues.

My policy recommendation policy, will focus on the efforts and steps the UNSC have taken to resolve the conflicts between Israel and Palestine.

Our highly skilled writers recognize that every nursing research paper is unique, with its own set of requirements and objectives. highly experienced nursing writers offer personalized guidance and support, understanding the specific needs of each student or professional. They work closely with the individuals, helping them narrow down research topics, formulate research questions, and develop a clear thesis statement. This tailored approach ensures that the research paper aligns with the individual’s academic and career aspirations.


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