human computer interaction 101

Currently, there is a big emphasis on e-textbooks, and publishers are discussing what are the best instructional design methods for these digital textbooks. This is especially difficult because it takes an old technology (paper) and redesigns it using an interface. Trying to replicate an old technology in a new technology is a classic trap of the square peg in a round hole.

For this discussion board, please take a moment and go to OpenStax. For those of you that are unfamiliar with it, this is a repository of free to nearly free textbooks. While this is really great, do the digital forms of these texts violate any multimedia design principles? Please follow this link to a College Physics textbook (click on Contents and go to a chapter). Please take a moment to post a redesign of a screenshot that aligns with at least 2 of the principles of multimedia learning. In your post, please also include a comment that describes (1) what the violation was and (2) how you changed it. In your response to your two peers, please provide additional recommendations for how the technology could be redesigned to better support multimedia principles.

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