I enjoyed your post. The correlation between the ice cream and the crime was positive because when crime was up, people were eating more ice cream.

I enjoyed your post. The correlation between the ice cream and the crime was positive because when crime was up, people were eating more ice cream.

A minimum of 100 words each and References Response (#1 – 6) KEEP RESPONSE WITH ANSWER EACH ANSWER NEED TO HAVE A SCHOLARY SOURCE with a Hyperlink

Make sure the Responses includes the Following: (a) an understanding of the weekly content as supported by a scholarly resource, (b) the provision of a probing question. (c) stay on topic

1. I enjoyed your post. The correlation between the ice cream and the crime was positive because when crime was up, people were eating more ice cream. When two variables are in a relationship, they each will increase or decrease together (What Is.Com, n.d.). A perfect positive correlation is expressed as a +1. A zero shows a lack of correlation and anything below a zero indicates a negative correlation. Correlation does not imply causation because correlation between variables does not mean that one variable causes another one to change (What Is.Com, n.d.).

2. This information seems very interesting to me. To find the answer to this question, we would need to start somewhere. Some questions are able to be answered experimentally. However, it would be immoral to conduct an experiment that may control crime rates. Another method to consider can be a correlational study. This is used to study the degree or relationship between two events, behaviors, or traits. Researcher may use correlation to explore behaviors that are not fully understood. Once the correlation is determined, it can be used to make a prediction. The higher the correlation, the more accurate the prediction may be. From the example provided, many people may say that we have a positive correlation because as ice cream consumption goes up, then crime rates go up. This is not exactly the case. Correlation does not necessarily equal causation. The causation would more than likely be from heat and ice cream, and temperature and crime rate. Therefore, heat may be the answer to this phenomenon because heat may aggravate people more and would also explain the increase for ice cream consumption

3. A corellational study is conducted to determine a relationship between two behaviors, traits, or events (Myer & Hansen, 2012). In the correlational study of ice cream and the crime rate, they are related in that when ice cream consumption drops, so does the crime rate. The discussion question mentions that this is specific to summer months, so it should also be asked if a correlation could be made between swimming and the crime rate as well. If individual environments were studied as well as the correlation between ice cream consumption and crime, would the results be impacted? Some environments may not produce as much crime as others during the summer months, which is when ice cream consumption is at it highest, this study could produce outliers within the correlation (Myers & Hansen, 2012). Which behavior is the cause and which behavior is the effect? Our textbook states that we cannot determine this in most correlational studies. The textbook also states that we cannot be sure if there is a third agent that could be impacting the results of the study (Myers & Hansen, 2012). There is a possible third agent in this study, temperature. When it begins to warm up, people begin to spend more time outdoors. This could be another correlation of the crime rate being high during high ice cream consumption times. While the results are interesting, there are many factors to take into account for the high crime rate and the increase of ice cream consumption.

4. I see your perception of the topic. But I believe that the discussion consists’ of how a set of people committed crime according to time of the year and what they consumed while committing the crime. But broken down, a researcher can see the perspective the way that you do, which is understood. Being that the correlation to the topic is not revealed the researcher can assume probabilities instead of stating facts.  Which is not what we want to do but remain connected to scientific methods and correlate the study to its true data. When comparing the factors we must always steer clear of plagiarism and be sure to state facts. Proposing a explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for furthering investigation by reasoning without assuming true data is a correct way to show exuberant and proper protocol (Myers & Hansen, 2012).

5. When conducting a correlational design, a researcher should be cautious in drawing causal conclusions because a correlational design is used to determine the degree of a relationship between two variables (Myers & Hansen, 2012). This does not mean that one variable causes changes to another variable. Causation is an indication that one event occurs because of the other event. Correlation simply means association. This design is used to seek why two or more variables are related. If they are related, in which way are they related? An example of a correlational design is smoking and lung cancer. They are related because some people who smoked acquired cancer. This does not mean that smoking causes cancer, only a relationship because everyone who smokes does not receive cancer. Causation has to be proven that one variable affects another variable.

6. I ensured that the hypothesis was well formulated through considering all the characteristics of good research. I formulated the research by identifying what problem I would address in the research, defining the variables, and linking them with an if statement (Study Lecture notes, n.d.). It had a tentative aspect highlighting the behavior of depression. Also, it was synthetic and falsifiable in that the statement can be true or false until proven by the research, and testable through carrying out the research. The hypothesis was generated from the purpose of the research and relevance to the problem of the research whereby the variables affecting the subject are considered and the expected results of the research making it easy to create the hypothesis based on the objectives of the research and its major variables. I also ensured that the hypothesis outlines the relationship between the two variables. Also, the hypothesis had to be parsimonious by being clear and simple enough and be an empirical statement that is susceptible to observation. I also ensured that the hypothesis was fruitful to have the capability to lead to new studies (Myers, 2011).


If people have mental health awareness of having positive perceptions and attitudes towards depressing situations, they will easily be able to maintain mental health stability than if they sought counseling after already being depressed.

Reasons to be cautious in creation of a conclusion from a correlational study

The creation of a conclusion from a correlational study ought to be carried out with cautiousness since the correlations do not mean causation (Myers, 2011). The relationship between the two variables cannot be assumed to cause each other, even if it appears to have causation relations or closeness. This requires researchers to be cautious in analyzing the results and making correlation of studies ought to have a correlation of the variables to test the research hypothesis but should not be assumed to have direct causation. Also, the two variables in the correlation do not define which variable to be considered as a cause and the other as the effect. If the relationship between the two variables cannot be directly linked to each other because there are eight other variables influencing the relationship.

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