i need help in this 5

Hi everyone i need you to do this project

for number one this part ignore it


  • Product.
  • At the top right-hand corner of the screen click Sign-Up and create an account.Be sure to use your First and Last name.
  • After signing up, log in to the Cognitive Class System.
  • After logging in, at the top right side of the screen, search the term “Big Data 101.”
  • Click the course labeled “Big Data 101.”
  • Next click the blue button labeled “Enroll” to enroll in the course.

1. Completion and certification of the cognitive class on Big Data 101

Your assignment here is to complete successfully the three-hour cognitive course Big Data 101. To complete the course, open the link below and follow the instructions https://cognitiveclass.ai/courses/what-is-big-data

The completion …………………

see the attach file and do it . number 2 and 3

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