i need some help writing me a technical report for a biology lab i did it is about the use of biotechnology to find a treatment for sickle cell anemia

i need some help writing me a technical report for a biology lab i did it is about the use of biotechnology to find a treatment for sickle cell anemia

The technical report is composed as followed:

4 section: Executive Summary (1 page) so like an abstract but longer, Motivation (introduction), results and a recommendation (future direction).

I already started and wrote some thoughts which need to be put in the right way in the right sections. I already finish the figures for the results sections so what you need to do is to follow the guidelines so you can complete the rest of that section since the result section of this technical report should include the methods that we used for this experiment. All the information you need to complete this paper is available and I just need your help of summarizing all of that and looking for 2 -3 sources to include in the introduction when you talk about sickle cell anemia (background information) and maybe one for the future directions, so a total of 2-3 sources. All the information you would write for the result section is going to be provided to you in 3 files; 2 of them are the PowerPoint slides for this lab experiment and the 3rd is the guidelines Word document. Those 3 files have most if not all of what you would need to complete this paper. Also, you would find a Word document that I named “Sample with results figures” which includes some of my thoughts on this paper and the results figures for this experiment. I think this would take you no more than 2 hours to first go over the PowerPoint slides and the guidelines and digest the task before jumping on writing and looking for some primary sources for the introduction and the future direction sections. Nothing is really complicated you just follow the guideline and use the PowerPoints and what I wrote and you would be fine.You would also find a short summary that I wrote on the same experiment that would be really handy for constructing the result section. I would add my work once get your response of accepting to help me here. All other files are attached including my summary.

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