In the simplest of terms, what is reliability and why is it important?

In the simplest of terms, what is reliability and why is it important?


Deaton Guzman

In the simplest of terms, what is reliability and why is it important?

In reading the text, reliability in the simplest of terms is the concept and the practical measurement of consistency and stability. It might be used as a measurement instrument or a test. In psychology, reliability is a tool that test for validity. There are two types of reliability, internal and external. Each type of reliability is utilized for some type of measurement. The internal is an assessor for consistency of results. The external is utilized as the extent of how much a measurement varies. The purpose of reliability is to determine validity as previously mentioned. A metaphor that is used is when someone is weighing themselves with different scales to determine the consistency of their weight. The reliability would be the tool that is being used to measure the weight. This can be applied to research in a sense that reliability is important in order to test the validity and reliability of the research that is found and presented.


McLeod, S. (2013). What is Reliability?. Retrieved from


Esan Pena

Reliability is a combination of true score and error scores. However, it is imperative to decrease the error if a reliable instrument is desired. Reliability is a concept, but it is also a practical measure of how consistent and stable a measurement instrument or a test might be. There are several types of reliability, each one used for a different purpose, Salkind, N. J. (2012). There are various ways to increase reliability such as to increase the numbers of items, eliminating the items that are not clear, conditions under which the test is being conducted, test degree of difficulty, effects of external events, and maintain consistent scoring procedures. In addition, reliability is most often reflected in the value of correlation coefficient, the higher is the reliability of the item. Reliability is important because the item that is being tested must be dependable and consistent, if the a test produces different results then it becomes inconsistent, unreliable and not as valuable. 


Salkind, N. J. (2012). Exploring research (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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