inal exam discussion forum

Directions For Your Post

  • Let’s take a moment to reflect on what we are still confused about as we prepare for Exam #3, which is the final exam.
  • “The Muddiest Point” is a technique to help you assess where you are having difficulties with the lecture materials.
  • Write a post that is no less than 100 words in length to the prompt below.

Muddiest Point Prompt

  • “What was the muddiest point in [the lecture, discussion, homework assignment, etc.]?”
  • The term “muddiest” means “most unclear” or “most confusing.”
  • It’s okay to choose several muddiest points, but don’t go too much over 100 words, if possible.

Reply to Two Students

  • After you post, respond to TWO other student’s posts, commenting on similarities or new questions that you may have after reading their post.
  • Each post should also be no less than 100 words.
  • Be sure to be respectful to your online colleagues…remember, we are all here to learn together!
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