john lewis leadership theory and style

john lewis leadership theory and style

Leadership Theories and Styles

Throughout history, scholars have developed theories to explain the traits, behaviors, and goals of effective and ethical leadership. A leader’s personality and the leadership theory he or she follows influence his or her leadership style. Leadership style refers to the traits, skills, and behaviors a leader exhibits in situations. John Lewis, a civil rights activist, was a leader in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement and regularly demonstrated ethical and caring behavior as well as a desire to help others. For this Application, you evaluate the degree to which John Lewis’s style reflected a particular leadership theory.

To prepare for this assignment:

  • Review Chapter 6 in the Jossey-Bass Reader on Nonprofit and Public Leadership, paying particular attention to Table 6.1, “Eras of Mainstream Leadership Theory and Research.” (Attached) Consider the similarities and differences among the great man, trait, contingency, transformational, servant, and multifaceted leadership theories. Also, think about how to choose which leadership style to use.
  • Review the article “Ethical Leadership: A Review and Future Directions.” (Attached) Consider the similarities and differences among transformational, spiritual, authentic, and ethical leadership theories.
  • Review the article and videos John Lewis – Civil Rights Leader.

Article: Biography. (2017). John Lewis – Civil Rights Leader. Retrieved from


  • Think about John Lewis’s leadership style and consider what leadership theory best describes this style.

The assignment (1–2 pages):

  • Briefly describe the leadership theory that you think best describes John Lewis’s leadership style.
  • Explain the degree to which John Lewis’s style reflected this leadership theory. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your explanation.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

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