learning to lead interview learning to lead interview analysis

learning to lead interview learning to lead interview analysis

Hi its actually a 2 part assignment!!! 2 separate word documents.

Assignment Content

Complete the Learning to Lead Interview worksheet. You are the interviewer on this assignment. It is only necessary to provide the interviewee’s name, the position title for which you are doing the intervew, and the company name on the interview worksheet.

Due Saturday (12/21)

Submit your worksheet. Ensure that your submission can be edited or downloaded.


Assignment Content

Now that you’ve conducted your Learning to Lead interview, reflect on what you learned about leadership styles and approaches.

Due Monday (12/23)

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you:

  • Analyze the interviewee’s responses.
  • Summarize what you learned from your interview.
  • Explain how you would apply what you learned into your own leadership responsibilities.
  • Distinguish the differences between management and leadership.

APA formatting is required for this assignment. While references are not required, proper APA referencing is required if they are used.

Submit your assignment. Ensure that your submission can be edited or downloaded.

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