legal research paper 7

locating a specific statue or ordinance or administrative agency regulation or a code, and finding judicial case law relating to that provision which interprets the provision. Some suggestion- COBRA, FMLA, OSHA and personal protective equipment(PPE). Voter Suppression, some aspect of the recently passed “Coronavirus Aid, Relief ad Economic Security Act” Some aspect of the Environmental Protection Act, authority of the President under the Defense Protection Act, Pennsylvania State Governor’s Order closing all “non-essential business.”

Use “US News Stream”

The Legal Issue Statement should be sophisticated and important.

double space, 16 font, no longer than 3 pages total, separate 4th page for citation with the ‘resolution of legal issue’ segment consisting of at least 1 page.This latter segment should be a well-reasoned, organized and persuasive Resolution. It should be written in a professional tone/style. (E.g., Do not utilize ‘I think’ this or ‘I think’ that. In drafting, think of the dispassionate style utilized by a court in writing a judicial opinion.)

the format should follow:

Legal Issue Statement:

Key Relevant Law:

Resolution of Legal Issue:

Citation of Sources:

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