nuclear energy 2


Uranium has THREE ISOTOPES, U238, U236, U235.

(a) U 238 + n ——– U 235 + 3n + Heat energy (4200 KW)

uranium 238 uranium 235 gamma (nuclear power)

(b) U 236 + n ——- U 235 + n + Heat energy (3400 KW)

(c) U 235 + n ——- Th 235 + Heat energy (2200 KW)

(uranium 235) (thorium)

1-) Uranium 238 produces 4200 KW of electricity for each mg. How many mg of uranium are needed to provide 7500 KW per minute to a building for one hour. Show calculation.

2-) . A large Mall requires 8500 KW of electricity per minute For a 2-day period of electricity, calculate how many grams of each of the following will be needed:

(i) Uranium 238, U238

(ii) Uranium 236, U236

(iii) Uranium 235, U235

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