using the PEAS Framework for Critical Thinking
Below are the several relevant IT/IS subjects:
- AI: Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning: Problems, Issues & Solutions: How will AI and machine learning impact your life and your future business? Listen to this graymatter episode. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. This semester, I am encouraging students to write about AI, and here is a video: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- IT Security: Problems, Issues & Solutions: How can we secure data, computer systems and networks?
- IT Ethics: Problems, Issues & Solutions: How can systems-thinking help us conduct business in an ethical manner?
- IT Strategy: Problems, Issues & Solutions: How can we leverage IT/IS to gain competitive advantage?
- DBMS/CRM/ERP: Problems, Issues & Solutions: How would you go about designing and implementing a DBMS, CRM, ERP system?
- Website/e-Commerce: Problems, Issues & Solutions: How would you go about designing and implementing a website and e-commerce/e-business?
- Cryptocurrencies: Problems, Issues & Solutions: What are bitcoin, block chain, cryptocurrencies and the technologies driving them? Here is a nice background site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
In general, you may also research and write a paper in any of the following IT/IS areas.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Bitcoin and Blockchain Technologies
- Business Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Cloud Computing
- ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or SAP
- Health Informatics
- Digital Marketing & Design
- Cybersecurity and Data Privacy
- Office Productivity
- User-Interface and Usability
- New E-Business Models
- New m-Business Models
- IT Infrastructure
- Mobile Applications
- HTML5 and Web Application Development
- Cloud-based Systems
- Scalable Architectures
- Gaining Competitive Advantage by Leveraging Technology
- Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- Data Warehouse Systems
- Big Data and Analytical Systems
- NoSQL and Other Emerging Database Technologies
- Classical and In-Memory Database Systems
- Networking
- Internet Privacy and Security
- Agile Software Development
- Mobile Learning
- Ethics, Privacy, and Intellectual Property in a Connected World
- Intelligent Systems
- Knowledge Management Systems
- Internet of Things
- Electronic Commerce
- IT Security and Digital Forensics
- Emerging Technologies
- IT Project Delivery
- IT Project Management
- Leadership of the IT Function
- IT Service Delivery
- IT Governance
- IT Policies and Law
- Others IT/IS subjects with instructors’ permission
Submissions must adhere to this Journal Article Template
(click to upload the template.)
- Per template, the following information should be included within the paper (see above template):
- Your Full Name
- E-mail address(es)
- Institutional or company affiliation(s)
- Paper title
- Paper abstract
- Paper keywords
- The paper should be about 5 to 10 pages long, single-spaced, APA-style citations and references. [Paper should not exceed twenty (20) pages, including all appendices. However, most papers are five (5) to ten (10) pages, using the font and margin settings specified in the template.
- All pages are to be U.S. letter-size (8.5″ x 11″). Do not alter the given margin and font settings on the template.
- Any tables or figures that exceed the given width of the columns should be included in an appendix.
- Appendices may be formatted in any way you deem necessary, with the exception that all pages must adhere to the standard page margins on an 8.5″ x 11″ page template. Any rotated pages in landscape orientation in the appendices should be rotated ninety (90) degrees to the left (commonly referred to as “counter-clockwise” or “anti-clockwise” rotation).
- References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper according to APA style guidelines. Parentheses should be used within the body of the paper to offset citations. [Clarification: Parentheses should be used within the body of the paper to offset citations. Articles must cite a minimum of five scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources but 10 or 15 references are recommended. These must be cited in-text (parenthetical citation) and be accompanied by a full citation in the reference list. In general, we consider a source to be scholarly if it is published in an edited book, a peer reviewed publication, an academic journal, or by a university press. Citing multiple works by the same author(s) or web-links (URLs) only qualifies as meeting one of the required five.]
- Paper should be submitted (uploaded) as one single file. The file must be in Microsoft Word .DOC, or Microsoft Word .DOCX. Limit figures to either JPG or GIF format for this purpose when embedding the image within the document’s pages. Like text, all figures or table or graph should be original (i.e., created by you).
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