organizational leadership final organizational behavior

organizational leadership final organizational behavior

The study of individual and group behavior in organizational settings has included topics such as diversity, motivation, team effectiveness, decision-making, conflict and negotiation, organizational communication, power and influence, and organizational culture. From the topics studied in the course select three (3) that have changed your thinking and/or behavior, and have or will make a difference in your professional and/or personal effectiveness to discuss in the OB Application Paper.

The paper should begin with an introductory paragraph, and include a discussion of the three selected topics (OB concepts), reflective analysis and conclusion. For each selected topic, define and describe the concept including the theoretical background, link it to your experiences, and discuss how you will transfer learning to implement the concept in your professional and/or personal life. A key element of this paper requires you to reflect on the impact learning Organizational Behavior has had or will have on you and your effectiveness.

The paper should be specific; your grade will be determined on how well you demonstrate understanding of key concepts and their impact. You are encouraged to use specific examples to illustrate key points While the focus of the paper is on your personal learning, insights and real world applications, it must be grounded on course concepts, include appropriate citations and a Reference page. Use expert citations from your textbook and respected authors such as found in articles or books retrieved from Brandman’s virtual library to define and describe each concept.

For each of the three topics you choose to discuss:

  • Define and briefly describe the concept (topic) and why it is important in OB; identifying major theories and/or theorists as appropriate
  • Connect the concept with your experiences outside the classroom and discuss how your thinking and/or behavior has or wil changed
  • Describe how you will transfer learning and implement the concept; be specific about the impact of thinking and/or behaving differently
  • Reflect on your learning and why this concept has or will enhance your professional and/or personal effectiveness
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