physical security 66

Biometrics in today’s era has been growing, trending, and improving at a very rapid rate for both the public and private sectors. Write 600 to 800 words not including your introduction or references pages on the following questions.

  1. What are some of the technological ways that can be used to provide early or immediate detection of unauthorized access as it relates to physical security?
  2. What technological countermeasures strategies business owners may utilized to discretely inform the proper authorities when there is a security breach, a crime as occurred, or in progress?
  3. Whatever strategies you choose, explain how was it originated, how effective is it today, and can it be advanced?

REQUIREMENTS: Ensure to use the IP header posted in the Course Material folder for this assignment. You should have at least 9 in-text citations with corresponding reference list. Your SA score should not be more than 30%

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