please answer the following questions about marketing

please answer the following questions about marketing

1. Advertising is an expenditure that ultimately must be justifies in terms of its effect on sales and profits, yet most evaluations advertising are in terms go the effects on attitudes. How do you account for this apparent mismatch.

2. Create five items (questions and scales) that could be used to identify which smokers will try to quit smoking in the next year.

3. Attitudes are often measured in order to predict behaviors.

a. Under what situations will attitudes be better predictors of behavior? (Think about number and nature of competitors, position in the product life cycle, level of consumer involvement, …)

b. Why might a researcher want to measure attitudes in a situation EVEN IF THE RESEARCHER BELIEVES ATTITUDE WILL NOT be a good predictor of behavior?

4. Critique the questionnaire in the (see the figure attached) which id from an appliance manufacturer whose objective is to collect information on the reasons for purchasing their product, the buyer’s demographic, and lifestyle activities. Identify 5 problems. (Figure 12-2 is on page 310.)

TO answer some of these questions, please scan the chapter attached below.

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