please see details for analysis report

please see details for analysis report

As a leader in your business, you are responsible for reporting to other stakeholders about the performance of your business during its first six quarters. Your report will provide a detailed overview of the performance of the business. It should provide a data-driven analysis of your business decisions and the outcomes of those decisions.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A. Upload the final (i.e., covering Quarters 1–6) income statement and final (i.e., covering Quarters 1–6) balance sheet in two separate unaltered spreadsheets exported from the Marketplace business simulation with the verification details included in each.

Note: The correct income statement and balance sheet can be accessed using the “Final Income Statement” and “Final Balance Sheet” web links. You must be in Quarter 7 to view the final income statement and final balance sheet, which include data for Quarters 1–6. Click on the “Export” icon in the upper right-hand portion of the appropriate page to download each spreadsheet. The verification details will be contained within each spreadsheet that you export from the simulation in a tab titled “Verification Details.”

B. Using the attached “Business Performance Report” template, prepare a written report (suggested length of 7–10 pages) in which you assess the performance of your simulated business based on facts from the simulation; your performance report should include five sections in which you do the following:

1. Describe your business briefly, including information about the locations of sales outlets, the manufacturing process, and the product you produce.

2. Select three different topics from the following list, and for each selected topic identify a related business decision that was important to the performance of your simulated business:

  • marketing (advertising and internet marketing)
  • store expenses and sales force
  • pricing (including rebates)
  • research and development
  • capacity shortfalls or excess capacity
  • use of loans and cash
  • Note: It is possible that a decision may be identified as relating to more than one of the selected topics. This is acceptable if the decision is clearly relevant to each associated topic and is subjected to a separate and distinct explanation (in part B2a) for each topic. In addition, the discussion for this section must be supported by information from the spreadsheets located in B2b.

    a. Explain why you made each selected business decision identified in part B2 and the impact the decision(s) had on the three topics selected in part B2. Each of the three topics must be supported by at least one explained business decision.

    b. Support your explanation in part B2a with relevant facts about your business, including at least one reference to relevant information from the final income statement or final balance sheet for each of the three topics selected in part B2. Use the following information to guide your choice of supporting facts:

  • For decisions related to marketing, store expenses and sales force, pricing, and research and development, cite the Gross Profit and/or Expenses portion of the income statement.
  • For decisions related to capacity shortfalls or excess capacity, cite the Long-Term Assets portion of the balance sheet.
  • For decisions related to use of loans and cash, cite the Debt and/or Cash portion of the balance sheet, and/or the Expenses and Profitability of the income statement.
  • 3. Conduct a SWOT analysis of your business in the simulation by doing the following:

    a. Identify one strength, one weakness, one opportunity, and one threat, using the four-square diagram in the attached “Business Performance Report” template.

    b. Justify your choice of each strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat from part B3a based on information from your business.

    4. Analyze the competitive position of your company in the marketplace by doing the following:

    a. Incorporate three strategic graphs from the “Market” section of the strategic graphs in the final quarter (i.e., Quarter 7) of the simulation into your report.

    Note: Refer to the supporting document “Accessing Strategic Graphs” and the “Marketplace Simulations (General)” web link for information about accessing these graphs. You must be in Quarter 7 of the simulation to access the final strategic graphs, which cover Quarters 1–6.

    b. Analyze how specific events and decisions in your simulation led to the outcomes shown in each of the three strategic graphs from part B4a.

    5. Provide recommendations for the future by doing the following:

    a. Suggest two SMART goals for your simulated business for the next one to three quarters.

    b. Explain why each goal from part B5a was suggested, including how each goal addresses specific needs of the business.


    The complete final income statement and balance sheet (i.e., covering Quarters 1–6) are provided in a spreadsheet with a verification link.

    The submission provides an accurate description of the business and its product, including information about sales outlet locations and the manufacturing process.

    The submission identifies business decision(s) from the simulation related to at least 3 of the topics on the given list.

    The submission explains the reason for each business decision from part B2 and explains the impact that the decision(s) had on the performance of the simulated business for each of the 3 topics selected in part B2.

    The submission provides clear, relevant support for the explanation in part B2a and references at least 1 fact for each of the 3 business decisions identified in part B2 from an appropriate financial statement.

    The four-square diagram in the attached “Business Performance Report” template is complete with 1 strength, 1 weakness, 1 opportunity, and 1 threat for the simulated business.

    The justification logically supports the choice of each strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat based on the performance of the business in the simulation.

    The submission includes 3 strategic graphs from the Market section in the final quarter (i.e., Quarter 7) of the simulation.

    The analysis of how events and decisions in the simulation led to the outcomes shown in each strategic graph is clear, plausible, and thorough.

    The submission suggests 2 properly constructed SMART goals that are clearly relevant to the business in the simulation.

    The submission explains why each SMART goal was suggested and clearly shows how each SMART goal logically addresses specific needs of the business.

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