powerpoint 248

The presentation is a presentation of your pitch deck. Every student will create a professional and unique pitch deck. Your presentation should be between 5 and 7 minutes long. Once you have selected the company you will be presenting, please go to the discussion board and claim the business you would like to use for your pitch deck.

Company: The Ride Guide To Bird

URL: https://ride.tech/mobility-lifestyle/the-ride-guide-to-bird/?gclid=CjwKCAjwo9rtBRAdEiwA_WXcFkg6308sTDj0Hhtkhh3K1RBPr_yh8kncQnjhc86h0vHmW14ijECLVRoCOL4QAvD_BwE

Here is a example for Airbnb:


Here is an article about perfecting the 5-minute pitch:


Please follow the ten points above the website to complete the powerpoint. So it need to be 10 or more than 10 slide.

Thank you

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