practical exercise for mgmt 321 aviation aerospace systems analysis methods class

practical exercise for mgmt 321 aviation aerospace systems analysis methods class


Here are the instructions for this assignment. Thanks:

The Approval Committee reviewed the Requirements Definition that you submitted in Module 3, and you have been directed to proceed on course with the development of the inventory management system project. You will now use the data from the Requirements Definition to create two Casual Format Use Cases.

A Use Case illustrates an activity performed by the user of an information system to make an input or request an an output. Analysts create Casual Format Use Cases first and later add more detail to create Fully Dressed Use Cases.

The Casual Format Use Cases that you create here will be utilized in Module 6 to create two DFD Fragments.


Create two Casual Format Use Cases utilizing Microsoft Word®. Before you begin to work on this activity, refer to the Casual Format Use Case example in the textbook. After reviewing the example, consider the Actors, Triggers, etc., that might be present in an aviation-related inventory management system. For example, an Actor such as a user of the fictitious ‘Easy-Spray Aircraft Corrosion Application System’ would have a trigger such as the user requires the fictitious AAA Aviation AntiCorrosion Spray Formula 55 product to do a job.

Use this Casual Format Use Case Template (DOCX) to complete this activity.

Create two Casual Format Use Cases in a document that address the following:

The following data must be present:

  • Use Case Name
  • ID
  • Priority
  • Actor (Actor refers a person, another software system, or a hardware device that interacts with the system to achieve a useful goal)
  • Description
  • Trigger
  • Type:
    • External
    • Temporal


  • Precondition #1
  • Precondition #2
  • Precondition #3

Normal Course:

  • 1.0
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.


  • Postcondition #1
  • Postcondition #2
  • Postcondition #3

Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

Here is the grading rubic:

MGMT 321 4.2 Practical Exercise Rubric

MGMT 321 4.2 Practical Exercise Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDeliverable RequirementsThe percentage of the deliverable(s) that meet the assignment’s requirements.

50.0 pts


The deliverable(s) met ALL of the assignment’s requirements.

45.0 pts

Very Good

The deliverable(s) met MOST of the assignment’s requirements.

40.0 pts


The deliverable(s) met MANY of the assignment’s requirements.

35.0 pts

Near Failing

The deliverable(s) met SOME of the assignment’s requirements.

0.0 pts


The deliverable(s) did NOT meet ANY of the assignment’s requirements.

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Deliverable(s)The overall quality of the deliverable(s) with regard to the composition and detail.

25.0 pts


The composition and detail of the deliverable(s) was at a VERY HIGH level.

21.0 pts

Very Good

The composition and detail of the deliverable(s) was at a HIGH level.

17.0 pts


The composition and detail of the deliverable(s) was at a MODERATE level.

13.0 pts

Near Failing

The composition and detail of the deliverable(s) was at a LOW level.

0.0 pts


The composition and detail of the deliverable(s) was at an UNSATISFACTORY level.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccuracy of the Deliverable(s)The accuracy of the values presented in the deliverable(s).

25.0 pts


ALL of the data in the deliverable(s) was accurate.

21.0 pts

Very Good

MOST of the data in the deliverable(s) was accurate.

17.0 pts


MUCH of the data in the deliverable(s) was accurate.

13.0 pts

Near Failing

SOME of the data in the deliverable(s) was accurate.

0.0 pts


NONE of the data in the deliverable(s) was accurate.

25.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

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