read crefully and complete

Curriculum design models assist teachers with planning relevant and meaningful learning experiences for students. Teachers must carefully consider the curriculum model to meet the students’ needs and help make meaningful connections to the content.

Create a four column table analyzing two curriculum design models (e.g., subject-centered, learner-centered, problem-centered).

Include the following columns:

  • A column that explains key characteristics of each model.
  • A column that describes how each model captures key ideas in your content area and promotes student achievement.
  • A column that describes an example of an activity that effectively aligns to each model.
  • A column that lists the resources needed for each mode

I have attached what I started working on. please just complete the table. the model is subject centered and the second (the one that needs to be added) is learner centered

In addition, below the table, analyze InTASC standards 6, 7, and 8. Respond to the following in 250-500 words:

  • Identify key themes that run through the InTASC standards.
  • Hypothesize why the key themes are reflective of effective teaching practices.
  • Explain how the models described align to or are reflective of elements of the InTASC standards.

I will attach the required readings. this is last minute so it doesn’t have to be perfect.………

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