Research Paper Guidlines
1500-1750 words Double Spaced (
you could write more if you would like
MLA Format is required!!
Papers should have no more than three online sources (must be from a .org, .edu,
.gov to be accepted, with the exception of e-books and academic
articles/journals). Other websites/domains will be considered on a case by case
Minimum of three primary and three secondary sources
(6 Total)
Must have a works cited page at the end
Late papers will be marked down 10 points for each day its late
Videos will not be counted as sources
Important info to keep in mind as you write:
If you are quoting someone, or a passage from a book, please keep your
quotes/passages to no more than 3 sentences each time you do this. I would like to
see the originality in your work in addition to your own analysis of working with
both primary and secondary sources.
Please do not include images or pictures in the body of the paragraph. If you want
to include them, please attach them at the end of the document/paper.
Late papers will be marked down 10 points each day it is late.