research paper on industrial and organization psychology

research paper on industrial and organization psychology

Research Paper Assignment


  1. PAPER LENGTH: 8 pages of content (cover page or reference page do not count as a content).
  2. STYLE: APA (use the reference manual for proper format)
  3. Cover page, (no abstract needed, no table of contents needed), must have reference section (in-text citation and reference citation).
  4. REFERENCES: Minimum 7 references none older than 6 years from 2019.
  5. SUBMIT: Via email as one attachment (word document).

Your paper should integrate and translate theoretical concepts learned throughout the semester.


  1. Introduction section:
  1. Background: answer the following questions based on the following:
  • Describe the evolution of I/O psychology.
  • What value that I/O psychology brings to business industry?
  • Why is I/O psychology important?
  • How is I/O psychology utilized in organizations today?
  1. Theoretical model: Highlight major takeaways from (a minimum) of 4 theories you have learned during this class (these can be things you learned from the textbook, class lectures, or student presentations).
  1. Summary conclusions and recommendations
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