I need a response to this discussion question at least 150 words.
Discussion Question:
In this day and age, change managers are faced with multiple challenges due to such a continuous dynamic fast-changing society were to stay competitive, organizations must possess an adaptive culture to be successful. In other words, for organizations to safeguard efficient implementations and maintain progression, the rate of change must be adequately supported (Golden & Shriner, 2017). Palmer, Dunford, and Buchanan (2017) explain that organizational culture can be described as values and beliefs which are expressed holistically and normalized behavior that affect one’s feelings, thinking, and actions toward other co-workers both within as well as outside their organization. A healthy or strong organizational culture is critical because it forms an organization’s public reputation, impacts an organization’s effectiveness, cultivates employee recruitment and retention, and directs the organization towards its vision. In contrast, a weak organizational culture can cause reputation damage, loss of trust, loss of career, and even loss of lives. Therefore, it’s imperative to effectively manage organizational culture as it is the regulating element for any change objective to be successful. This concept can also be related to the Ernestine Shepard story on an individual level when she fell into depression after her sister passed. Yet, once she was able to overcome her feelings (inner culture) and change perspectives, Shepard was able to pull herself out and successfully achieve her goal of becoming the world’s oldest female bodybuilder (Prevention Magazine, 2014). The next section will discuss the culture of my church, utilizing both the Cultural Web and Hofstede’s Model.
The Cultural Web
The Cultural Web Model is a change diagnostic which describes organizational culture as a social web entailing seven elemental factors, which is an analysis of the organization as a whole. Below is the breakdown of my church:
The paradigm: My church is in the business of saving souls, helping those in need (e.g., spiritually, financially, resources, education, etc.), and being a light to the world while providing hope and faith to anyone who may choose to receive it willingly.
Rituals and routines: My church practices to treat both everyone within and outside the church with kindness, patience, respect, forgiveness, and, most importantly, love. My church believes that we are to forgive each other because we were forgiven first by God, and we are to love each other because we were first loved by God as well. By doing so, we believe we are bringing glory to God by following the examples He exemplified when He once walked the earth in the flesh.
Stories: My church has multiple accounts of contributing to the community and the world in hopes of bringing people closer to God, and overall, doing what we believe we are called to do in this world, which is to be a service to others. For instance, my church recently opened their daycares up for weekly services to aid single working parents who’ve been affected by COVID-19. This action will be a tremendous oral testimonial to those who needed and utilized this service.
Symbols: My church is a beautiful brick building with multiple windows and an extravagant cross as its symbol. In addition to the church, it also entails a private school campus in the back. There is no dress code for church services, and everyone is welcomed as they are. The staff, a lot of times, can be seen wearing the churches “merch” with a big white cross. We have languages in both English and Spanish, and all services are broadcasted online as well.
Control systems: My church is measured and rewarded through the lives we change and making a difference in both the local community and the world. Therefore, my church values helping people and being a service to people.
Power structures: My church is led by a lead pastor who has three other pastors underneath him who can stand-in in his absence.
Organizational structure: My church has the lead pastor as the head who overseas and issues both informal and formal taskings to all other groups such as the worship team, media team, design team, academic team, etc. Everyone involved understands their roles and responsibilities and enjoys their work, which makes for a very healthy cultural organization.
Hofstede’s Model
Peterson and Hofstede (2003) assert that Hofstede’s cultural model is a cross-cultural communication framework, including six dimensions, which identifies cultural aspects that may affect one’s values and behavior due to their societal environment. The following is my church described utilizing the Hofstede’s Model: In terms of power distance, my church would be considered low in this category due to everyone is treated with respect and equality regardless of position, and if a member felt otherwise, it would be made aware and handled appropriately. In terms of individualism versus collectivism, my church would be considered low in individualism and high in collectivism due to my church being all about doing life together and helping one another. From masculinity versus femininity perspective, my church would be low in masculinity and high in femininity due to my church placing cooperation, humbleness, life quality, and caring for others as a priority. In terms of uncertainty avoidance, my church would be low in this category due to practicing acceptance of the unknown and not becoming slaves to the past or future, but focusing and being grateful in the present, and praying during times of anxiousness. In terms of time orientation, my church is high in this category due to having great optimism about what the future holds regardless of past or current circumstances because of faith in God and His promises. Lastly, in terms of indulgence and restraint, my church would be low in restrained and high in indulgence due to an emphasis on enjoying life and seeking inner as well as outer peace.
I hope everyone is safe and doing well. Let’s continue to maintain the motivation and keep pressing on during these circumstances. We Can Do It! Take care!
Golden, J. H., & Shriner, M. (2017). Examining relationships between transformational leadership and employee creative performance: The moderator effects of organizational culture. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 53(3), 363–376. doi: 10.1002/jocb.216
Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. A. (2017). Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach (3rd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Peterson, M. F., & Hofstede, G. (2003). Cultures consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 48(1), 127. doi: 10.2307/3556622
Prevention Magazine (2014, February 4). The remarkable story of ernestine shepherd [Video]. YouTube.The Remarkable Story of Ernestine Shepherd