sociology analysis 1 5 page paper due today

sociology analysis 1 5 page paper due today

Throughout the semester, you will find and then analyze articles that exemplify any 10 concepts (or 5, if you’re doing Service Learning) from our list of options, which are drawn primarily from Best’s book. If there is a concept that you want to explore that isn’t on this list, please consult with me to see if we can make it a possibility!

An article can only be used once, and are ideally from this calendar year. Articles should be found in newspapers; in news magazines such as Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News and World Report; or on online news sites such as,, and

Note that you can select a troubling condition of interest to stick to all semester, or you can switch it up constantly and have each of your analyses be on different troubling conditions. Whichever approach you choose, I recommend that you find a troubling condition, or multiple troubling conditions, that you’re passionate about and want to learn more about during your internet searches for articles!

For each analysis, please be sure to explain/define the concept and make clear connections between the concept and the article. Quoting should be kept to a minimum, and each analysis should be about 1.5-2 pages double-spaced. Check out this sample analysis to get a sense of what’s expected for each of these analyses.


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