sport fundraising plan sections 7 and 8

sport fundraising plan sections 7 and 8


Feedback to Learner
11/2/18 7:24 PM

Alvin – I have read and reviewed your proposal and your sections 5 and 6. Please make sure that you update your sections 1 – 4 with my feedback and with lessons learned. You have some good discussion here and you have implemented some good research but you still need more specifics. You mention telemarketing but do not provide details. Email marketing is not very creative. What about posters, postcards and facebook and other internet advertising? Not even a facebook event? What about a celebrity endorsement?

Based on your professor’s feedback, make updates to Sections 1–6 of your sport fundraising plan.

Complete Sections 7 and 8 in the sport fundraising plan template, and submit your updated fundraising plan for grading (Sections 1–8 should be included). Each section should be a minimum of one page in length.

Section 7: This section should include the history of the organization and its fundraising programs; identify internal and external stakeholders; and reflect where the program was, where it is, and where it should go.

Section 8: When will the process of fundraising start, when will the event take place, when will it finish, and how long will the post-event evaluations be? Provide specific and realistic dates for the aforementioned items.

Please consider the following as you complete the assignment:
◾Content should be highly relevant, informative, and remain on topic.
◾All assigned tasks should be addressed and proficiently completed.
◾Accuracy should be excellent, and close attention to detail should be clearly evident in all parts of the assignment.
◾Your writing should be clear and concise with excellent use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

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