standing up for human rights social work paper based on movie

standing up for human rights social work paper based on movie

Reflect on an experience when you or someone stood up for human rights.

  • View a film that depicts the narrative of a person who stood up for a specific human rights issue and describe the experience from this person’s point of view.
  • Film – Pride (2014)
  • Identify current U.S. policies and procedures related to the human rights issue you identified.
  • How do the current U.S. policies and procedures compare to the principles of the IFSW Codes of Ethics and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Please reference assigned *IFE readings.
  • As a professional social worker, describe what changes you would advocate for that are aimed at social change and social justice.

Compare and contrast your current professional motivations and values as a BSSW (Bachelor of Science in Social Work) student/emerging social worker advocating for socially just changes within U.S. policies, with the motivations and values from the narrative of a person who stood up for a specific human rights issue and the experience from this person’s point of view, “when standing up for human rights”.

  • Use of pertinent LITERATURE, creativity, and originality in the use of self and personal insight as well as the structure of the composition, syntax, punctuation and coherence will also be taken into account in the grading of the paper.
  • Paper: 8 pages
  • Use of literature/data/NASW code of ethics, and originality.

Easy vocabulary. No plagiarism as it will be uploaded through safe assign online.

Will be attaching textbook.

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